Thursday, December 10, 2009

After school crafting time. Wednesday, Dec 16th

Students are welcome to stay after school next Wednesday from 3-4:30 to craft with supplies in the class. Old clean socks are needed.

Students must have a ride home at 4:30pm. Thank you for your support.

Math Class Finding Symmetry

Hope this website helps you understand more about symmetry. Click on the title of this blog entry and it will take you to symmetry lessons which include snowflakes.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Math Practice games Webpages

Here is a great website to practice any and all math at our grade level or any.

Also all skills can be improved at

Both websites are free and user friendly with learning tools and game practices. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please come after school and pick up your Cookie Dough Sale Items in the Gym today!

THANKS for Selling and Supporting our school!

Today is our fieldtrip to MoNA in La Conner, WA

We are really excited about our trip to MoNA in La Conner. We leave at 12 noon and return around 2:30.

Thank you to all the chaperones that are coming on the trip with us this time. If you wish to attend any of the events in the future, we will be happy to have you. Please let me know it you are available.

Thanks again.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

There will be no spelling this week due to the Early Release Day on Tuesday and the observation of Veteran's Day on Wednesday (No School).

We will be having a sing along Veteran's Day Assembly in the afternoon at Lincoln on Thursday, Nov. 12.

No SFA reading this week- We are having WASL and MSP Practice testing in the AM on M, T, TH, and F.

Hoping you have a great day off and you are able to Honor a Veteran.

Monday, November 2, 2009

See homework blog for spelling list this week.

  • Spelling list this week 16 words with a spelling story.(see homework blog link for a list packets will go home today.)
  • Science Unit 2 ending this week with a open note test. Reread the unit. Handout given today. This reading can count toward RAH minutes.
  • New Homework Calendar will be going home with students today. Includes homework through Dec. 2009
  • MoNA Field trip, Nov. 17th, 2009 12:00-2:30. We will be needing only 4 chaperones for the field trip on Tuesday, Nov. 17th first parents to get me the message that they want to go will be the ones that go. They do not want more parents/ group, because they have found the parents talk to each other and not pay attention to the students. I am sure we do not have parents like that, but that is the MoNA rule.
  • Permission Slips to go to MoNA field trip will be going home today. This will include all three dates for the field trips to MoNA.
  • Conference best dates will be sent home today please return them ASAP. Conferences will be 20 Minutes and are limited to these three dates: 1:00, 1:20, 1:40, 2:00, 2:20, 2:40, 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00, 4:20, 4:40, 5:00... as needed. Please be on time or your conference will be canceled or severely shortened. It is really hard to fit 28 conferences into three days. Wednesday's early release is in exchange for our late nights. Thank you for your understanding. My family needs me too.

Friday, Nov. 20 from 1:00 to 5:00

Monday, Nov.23 from 1:00 to 6:00PM

Tuesday, Nov 24th from 1:00 to 5:00PM

If you can not attend these dates, please give me a call and we can work out another time or do a phone conference as needed. Please call if on the day you can not come for some reason. A lot of preparation goes into these conferences at all grade levels. We try to work with families that have multiple children and get their conferences on the same days and close to the same times. Please call if you can not make your appointment.

Thank you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

No Spelling Oct. 26-30

No Spelling Next Week (Wk 9 Oct. 26-30th) due to No Time in Class to do it.

  1. On Monday we will be taking the Math MAPS test from 1:00 to 2:55. Last Monday the students were not given enough time to take the reading test and needed to finish the next day. I want to make sure that all students have enough time to finish their MATH MAPS test on OCT. 26th.
  2. Tuesday, Oct. 27th is Skate Night from 6-8.
  3. Thursday and Friday we are reciting poems that were supposed to be memorized this month.
  4. We may read our finished "Lincoln In the Dark" Stories, too.
  5. Saturday: Halloween.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

At Lincoln In the Dark

LA Wk 7-8"Lincoln In the Dark"

This is a creative narrative first person account of being alone in the dark at Lincoln School.

We have been having a lot of fun this week planning our Language Arts for the following two weeks. We have discovered new locations in our school that were not seen before or seen the way they will be thought of in their stories. With Clipboards in hand, we walked through the bathrooms, hallways, Auditorium, Cinderella Stairway, Cafeteria, Kitchen, Boiler Room, Staff Lounge, and the Custodian's closet on the third floor that leads to the roof.

Their job is to write themselves into a story of "At Lincoln School in the Dark".

For those worried that this is a Halloween Story on demand. This is not a Halloween Story. It can be Fantasy, Western Style, Science Fiction, Fairy Tale come to our school, or Realistic Fiction, but it must be a narrative with the author in first person. I have asked that all students use their imaginations. Please help them keep it PG.

Use of other students' names: If you have permission from the student, you may use their name. Be kind and respectful to your classmates. Make them your friends not enemies in the story. No one can kill off another person or harm them even if they say it is OK.

The story must move through at least 5 different locations in our school. Each time you go to another room you must use a new paragraph. Make sure that there are transitional phrases and sentences that tell how you are getting down the hall or stairs. (I burst through the double doors onto the dark and dreary stairway and stumbled down the flight of stairs with just the green glow of the EXIT sign for a light. My heart was pounding in my ears as I neared yet another door that was locked...)

If you are with someone else moving through the dark and you speak, make sure that you write in dialogue and each new person speaking is in a new paragraph.

Make sure that the story line is your original. Do not take a cartoon or kids show and make it into your story line. It is steeling.

This has been one of my favorite Language Arts assignments and hope to be entertained by what the students write. This assignment is to encourage and excite creative writers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nine of the Twenty-eight Were in Class Today

Hi. We miss you if you are not one of the nine at school today. We went to Reading, Math, Library, and Music today. We had a great game of basketball in the fitness time with 5 girls (I was one) against 5 boys. The nets on the playground are so bent I was surprised at the made shots. Girls won. In a class where usually the boys outnumber the girls, 19 to 9. It was a proud moment that will not soon be relived. The last twenty minutes of our school day, we caught up on Spelling and Cursive review on our individual practice sheets that met the needs shown on the beginning of the year quiz. Your sheet is waiting you on your desk.

Parents if you are wanting work for your invalid, the 11 of us that ended the day on Monday put together all the homework for the week and placed it on the missing student's desks. It is now moved to their mailbox at the front of the room. Feel free to stop in and pick it up as needed. Three of the missing 19 students had parents that wanted work. I understand if the illness has gripped your household and you just can't think of homework at this time. When you can, we can discuss what was missed and hopefully fill the holes in learning created by this wide spread illness.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope to see you at school again soon.


Mrs. Gracie Johnston

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5th, 2009 13 students were missing today

Yes! When we started today at 9AM our class was missing 13 of the 28 students. (Meaning 15 students were in homeroom.) By lunch we were down to 13 students in Homeroom two more went home feeling ill. We were down to 11 students at 2:30pm. This was the way it was throughout the school Mr. G started the day with 14 of his 28 missing.

My math class normally has 16 students we had 7 today.

This afternoon the students and I helped each other by sorting all the papers that were handed out in homeroom and paper clipping them together. We left their work on their desks. I had a 4 pm appointment. I hoped that if parents needed the work they would ask to be let into the classroom.

Homework this week includes:
  • RAH
  • Fluency From SFA
  • Spelling 10words
  • Soc. St.
  • Sci
  • LA "Feelings About Auditions and Interviews: Final Draft.
  • Pick a poem that is at least 8 lines to memorize and say in front of class on Wed., Oct. 28th.
Log onto Homework BLOG to see the list of spelling words if you were not at school and you are able to do homework. If you are too ill, we will catch you up later.

Best wishes for healthy students and families.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anyone Can Join Band. Transportation Provided.

These were mailed to all homes of 5th and 6th graders:
LVMS Development Band Starts Monday, Sept. 28th in the Morning. Call or email the following people for more info. Yes! I want to Sign Up For Band! My Name is:______________________________________________ My Teacher is:____________________________________________ My Instrument Choices Are: 1)___________________________________ 2)___________________________________ My Parents’ Names Are: Their Phone Number is: _____________________________ _____________­­­­­_______ _____________________________ ____________________ Please return this form to your teacher by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21! You will receive a confirmation letter for you instrument choice by Thursday, Sept. 24.Amy McFeely, Jennifer Rubio, Directors· LaVenture Middle School · 1200 North LaVenture · Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (306) 428·6116 ext. 2433 or

Off To A Great Start

We are off to a great start. We are having Open House this Thursday. Hope to see you in class.

I encourage you to come and not only meet myself and see our room, but also meet the other teachers that teach your child.

  • SFA Students go all over the building to different teachers.
  • 5th grade Math teachers:
Mr. G, Ms. Jones, Ms. McCallum, and myself, Mrs. Johnston
  • We have separate specialists for Music, Library, and PE

If you are unable to attend, a copy of the Power Point that will be running at the two sessions, will be sent home in your child's Take Home Folder on Monday.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lincoln Elementarty Fitness Winner in the State

Lincoln Elementary School was the BEST in State with 334 miles per student.

Top Elementary, Middle School and High School

Thank you Mrs. Scott For logging our miles.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Grades Are Cut Off This Friday, June 5th.

All Grades are cut off this Friday, June 5th. We are getting to the end of 5th grade.
This means that:
  • All grades in all subject areas are able to change until this Friday. (Redo and turn in with "Re-done" written on the top of the assignment. Please, attach the old assignment to it if you do it on a separate page.)
  • All students may study and retake any Spelling, Math or Science test.
  • All students are expected to continue to do their work that is due this week as usual on the homework calendar.
  • All students are able to turn in extra credit this week. Ideas for extra credit have been listed on the missing work and grade sheets each week.

If there are ASSIGNMENTS STILL MISSING on Friday, June 5th :

  • Students will still be required to do ALL of the assignments
  • Students will earn no credit for them.
  • They will be held out of the fun activities until they are finished. (Talent Show, Picnic Day, Egg Drop, Recesses, Field trip to Seattle Science Museum, etc.) that we have planned for the end of the year until they have accomplished these assignments.
  • These comments have been clearly stated the past three weeks on your child's missing work and grade sheets that have been sent home each Monday with your child. Please help them finish!

The end of 5th grade and Summer is just around the corner, but even thought the weather makes it feel like Summer we are still in learning mode. Please help your child stay focused on learning.

If you have any concerns or comments, please: 1 help your child finish his or her work before Friday, and 2. feel free to call me at school, 424-4103.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. Gracie Johnston

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Year Books and Permission Slips

Year Books are on sale for $5 this year. The price has dropped from last year.

Also we, Mrs. Fredlund's First Graders and our class, are planning a trip to Seattle Science Center on Friday, June 12. The cost to all is $2 each. Please return the permission slips ASAP; so that they are not lost, so that we know who are going, and what groups need to be created with chaperones. If you would like to be a chaperone, please indicate it on the permission slip that was sent out last week.

Thank you for your quick return on these orders forms and permission slips. The management of money and permissions in the school system if stretched out over a long period of time is extremely tedious.

Thank you for understanding and being supportive.

Wednesday, May 20 Morning Family Style Breakfast

Megan is the Principal for the day.

If everyone has there Soc. St. in on Wed. , we will celebrate Megan's Principal decree for an additional free recess. Homework was handed out early last week. We have three weeks left of homework everyone was given the opportunity to collect all homework early. Many did.

We, Miss Warren and Mrs. Johnston's Classes, are planning on having breakfast together at school on Wednesday. Sign ups were passed out last week and a news letter included the information as well. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please call the school office and sign up. (360)428-6135

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Art Auction: "Steve The Garden Robot" and "Gracie, The Garden Goddess"

Keepin' it green does not mean that the art is limited to one color. Our art for sale is created from all recycled items. As you can see they are full of color and completely student created.

Materials used:
  • Gallon milk jugs
  • Detergent containers
  • Other plastic containers (Costco Size)
  • Chicken Wire
  • Old broom sticks (Thank you Ruth)
  • Buckets from Miss Warren's mortar mix for her bird bath and stepping stones

Thank you for the color. (Gillian's family)

Hope to see you at the Art Auction on Friday, May 8, 2009 5:45-9PM.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Congratulations to Lincoln and Yaritza!

Opening Night and Weekend performances of Fiddler on the Roof went well. Way to be involved and exercise your acting abilities. Even with the long nights of practicing you both have kept up on homework. This is greatly appreciated!

If you would like to see them in action Call Skagit Valley College or go on line at

Again Congratulations to Lincoln and Yaritza!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Thoughts are with Keegan and her family today.

Please talk to your child about the sadness that has touched all of us this week. We are deeply saddened by the lose of loved ones in our class. Thank you for you understanding and sympathy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow! What A Week We Had! 3 Fieldtrips in three days.

Thank you to all the chaperones that came on the fieldtrips. We had a great time because you were with us. I would like to give a thank you to my substitute on Friday, Mr. Tolf for walking with the class as I drove to the Little Mountain due to my sprained ankle was in an air cast. Similar to the show, when planned so well "The fieldtrip" must go on.

Thank you to my co-teachers: Gretchen Rupp and Brenda Warren, who are first year teachers at Lincoln,for putting up with my hair brain ideas of fitness and Earth Day fieldtrips and continuing on with them even thought I was in a cast.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day Fieldtrip to Edge Water Park was a Success!

Happy Earth Day! We walked! We Weeded! We pruned invasive species! We cleaned up Edge Water Park with help from the Mount Vernon Parks Department. Way to go 5th and 6th graders in Mrs. Rupp's, Miss Warren's, and Mrs. Johnston's Classes. The earth is a better place because of you today. (87 students & 9 adults)We cut down invasive ivy, explored the sandbar, picked up garbage, weeded flowerbeds, played sports, and had fun.

Thank you Mount Vernon's Park Department for helping us celebrate and help the Earth.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snacks on Wednesday

Thank you to Jaidev and Amanda we had snacks on Wednesday for the last Math WASL.

We even had cupcakes in the afternoon for Austin's Birthday. Happy Birthday Austin!

Thank you to the parents that helped today!

We appreciate it.

Thank you for those who have returned your permission slips for the field trips. They are due by Friday, April 17.

Thank you once again.

Recycled Can Art Sculpture Assignment Due Friday, May 1

Recycled Can Art Sculpture:

  • Design and Art Sculpture with at least one can (Cans include: soup, coffee, pop, etc.) in it.

  • The whole can can be the sculpture decorated or you can add other cans or items with it.

  • Sculpture can be designed to be useful or decorative.
  • Sculpture can not be a weapon or shaped into something illegal.

Safety Tips:

  • For Safety reasons ask for an adults help in cutting the cans.
  • Please make sure that the items are thoroughly washed out with soap and water.

If the sculpture is larger than what the bus driver allows, please have an adult deliver it to school and be willing to bring it home after the Art Auction.

Writing Assignment Due: Friday, May 1, 2009 along with your art piece.

Once you have created your masterpiece of decorated recycled can(s) describe your art work in writing. (Cursive or Typed)

  • List materials used.
  • Title your Art Piece
  • Describe your Art Piece
  • Describe your inspiration (where you got the idea).
  • Artist's name (yours) if you had an assistant you can add their names.

Smaller items will be displayed on the table outside our classroom. Larger Items will be placed on the floor.

Be Safe and Happy Recycled Creating.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


No Snacks have come to school so far for WASL.

Water Bottles were bought by myself for all students (28).

Three people (Amanda, Alex, and Isabell) brought in the scientific research and evidence needed to support gum chewing during the test. If you would like to send sugar free gum for your child to chew during the test it is allowed. The researched showed evidence in many studies that there was an increase in short term and long term memory recall as well as lessening anxiety in testing situations. Gum is not mandatory. But it could help.

It is not too late to help out with snacks for the class. We have 28 students if you are able to help.

We also need chaperones for the upcoming fieldtrips.

Thank you.

The View from the Top Of Little Mountain is Awesome!

Come with us on Friday, April 24th

We will leave Lincoln on foot at 9AM,with our sack lunches and water bottles to enjoy the view. Please come with us so we can go. We plan on being back at Lincoln before 2:40pm. Please send students with good walking shoes and layers dressed for the weather.

Fieldtrips coming up. Walk with Us

We need chaperones on Wed, April 22 and Friday, April 24th. Please sign up to walk with us to Edge Water Park on April 22 Earth Day
Walk to Little Mountain on Friday, April 24th.

We can not do it without chaperone support.

We only have 11 permission slips back too. We need all 28 students to bring back their permission slip in order to go.

Homework this week No Spelling or LA

This week we will be having additional math practice that if no finished in class becomes homework.

As well as Soc. St. Michigan
and Science Eels

There will be no Spelling Homework or LA this week.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Class Needs!!

We are looking for some help. Next Week we are taking the WASL. In the past there have been snacks donated for distribution in the classroom during break time between tests.
I am willing to buy the water bottle for all 28 students that will be refilled daily for the next day’s test. I am hoping this water bottle will be used again on the three day walking fieldtrips that will be planned for the following week April 22, 23, & 24. We will be walking to the local parks in the area. A permission slip and request for chaperones will go home with your child on Monday.
If you are planning a Costco or grocery run this weekend, please keep these items in mind for our class of 28 students.
Healthy choices that are easy to hand out and do not drip a lot are preferable:
· Granola Bars
· Cheese sticks
· Go-garts
· Crackers
· Pretzels
· Fruit
· Carrot sticks
· Juice boxes, Etc.
Thank you for your help. Please have your child to school on time. The following is our testing schedule:
Monday, 4/13/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/14/09 Math
Wednesday, 4/15/09 Math
Thursday, 4/16/09 Science
Friday, 4/17/09 Science
Monday, 4/20/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/21/09 WASL Make-Ups
Wednesday, 4/22/09 EARTH DAY! Walk to Edgewater Fieldtrip leave in AM return 2:40PM
Chaperones needed as well as a sack lunch/student
Thursday,4/23/09 Walk to Kiwanis 18th St. Park 12:45-2:40PM Chaperones needed
Friday, 4/24/09 Walk to Little Mountain 9-2:40 weather permitting
Sack Lunch RequiredChaperones needed

Research Needed: The students were told that if someone brought in the research of gum helping students on test they could chew it during the test if they provided it themselves and it was sugar free.
We also need ideas for the ART AUCTION. If you have artistic or crafty skills or supplies to create an art piece for the Art Auction from our class; we need you and your expertise.

If you have any questions or if you can help our class; please call 428-6135, ext. 2836.
Thank you once again. Sincerely, Mrs. Gracie Johnston

Pajama Day today April 10

Yes you can wear your PJ's today. Please remember to bring clothes for fitness today depending on your fitness class. Also remember good walking shoes if you are in the walking group. Thanks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome Back!

  • Homework Calendar will go home with the students today as well as a missing work list and grade for this Current Term 3.
  • If your child was absent last week he or she will have time to make up the missed work. I gathered all missing work and placed them in the office for your retrieval if you desired to get your child caught up over Spring Break. (Please encourage them to get caught up ASAP so that does not weigh them down.)
  • We will be sending home a WASL Snack Sign Up for the 28 students in our class. Please think of healthy choices that your family is willing to donate for the six days of testing.
  • New Reading Groups Start Today

Thank you and welcome back.

Welcome BacK!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Conferences/ Report Cards

Conferences are not mandatory with all students Spring Conference time. Only two days are set aside to conference with those students who need a conference. 28 conferences can not be shoved into five hours. Thank you for your understanding. If you still desire a conference and did not receive the paper work from your child, please call the school and schedule one today for Wed. or Thursday.

This week Report Cards will go home with students on Friday, March 27th if your child is not having a conference.
Early Release Days are Tuesday-Friday.
  • Tuesday is a planning period of two and a half hours.
  • Conference Days are Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26th. 1pm-3:30pm +1hour 20min. exchanged each day to make up for Friday's exchange.
  • Friday, March 27th dismissal at 12:55pm. Teachers may leave with students that day in exchange for Tuesday's or Wednesday's additional time for conferences after 3:30 pm.

Papers requesting conferences were sent out. Parents were contacted if conference was needed.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Object:The Sum of Two Fractions that will get us to 1

Here math class is trying to see which person will collect the most square pieces and by moving the tiles the abount of space taken up by the fraction on the card drawn.

The fraction can be broken into smaller fractions and the sum of its parts used on the board. If the sum of it's parts are not used up then the person loses a tern.

The winner of the game is the one with the most pieces at the end of the game.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mrs. Johnston's Students Reasons for Doing the Play Next Year

We learned a lot while working on the play of Wizard of Oz. Please sign in and post your comments.
Thank you.
Mrs. Johnston

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This coming week of March 2-6th

March 2 Dr. Seuss' Birthday Assembly during SFA in the Gym.
  • Dress like Dr. Seuss or a favorite character from a book
  • Remember that character's costumes should be appropriate for school (no weapons or blood even with historical characters)

March 5th last day to turn any assignments in for Term 2. Extra Credit or actual assignments.

March 6th Non-Student Day. All District K12 teacher workshop day Math is the focus this year.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

REMINDER Term 2 Grades Cut off March 5th

All grades and Assignments for term 2 will be accepted until March 5th. All extra credit must be in by them or it will be applied to the third term.

Multiple notices on Missing work and Grade Sheets were sent home.

Thank you!

Young Authors Class Poem Winners

There were 6 students that submitted poems for the Young Author's contest. The class voted anonymously and the two winners are Jaidev and Rachel. Congratulations. Their poems are as follows:

By Jaidev

The grass is brown
because it’s sick
and needs a nice big kick.
The sea is blue
because its pickin’
a fight with the night.
The sun is bright
like fire’s light
and needs a bucket of water.
The wind is chilly
because it has to chill
and needs some chill repellent . . . hot chocolate.

By Rachel
The wind whispers in my ear as it hurries by.
Sometimes it’s quick
Sometimes it’s slow
That depends if it is shy.
It Kicks up the leaves when it’s mad,
and rustles the tree’s when it’s sad
When you go out in the wind you drift away.
Reality has gone to play
Out in the wind it’s easy to say,
You love the wind, and you want it to stay.
Once again congratulations! They will be going to Skagit Valley College to the Young Authors Contest towards the end of March.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentines Day is on a Saturday this year.

If you child would like to pass out valentines to classmates, a class list will be sent home so that all can be included. Students can make Valentine containers on their own time. Thursday, Feb. 12 Early Release Day we will pass them out at the 12:25-12:55 time. Thank you.

Homework for the week of Feb. 2-6

Fluency Practice from SFA teacher
Missing Work and Grades signed Returned by Tuesday (Both Graded in Responsibilities)
Math Class Finish Unit 3 in the math book
Memo due Friday about the progress of what you have done in play groups this week.
Practice test in the back of your script that everyone has. (Real Test will be on Feb.11th in the AM before the Cast and Crew Party.)
Extra Credit that can be done this week and next to bring up these grades

This is our general schedule for Feb. 2-Feb. 11th.

8:55 First Bell
9:00 Tardy Bell Attendance and homework Turn in, Announcements
9:12 Pledge and leave for SFA Reading Classes around the school
10:45 Play Groups instead of Math (Sets Crew is working on math all day while creating the Mock Set or Scale Model. We have conversions from 1 foot in the auditorium to 1 inch in our scale model. It is fun and challenging.
11:55 Sets Crew goes to lunch
12:10 Recess
12:25 Play groups
1:10 Recess
1:25 Playgroups
2:55 Dismissal

Tech Crew, Cast and Costume and Make-up have similar AM schedules but their lunch times are earlier and need a sack lunch so that they can prep for the shows.

This week's shows are:

Tues. & Wed. Earlier times Tech. and Dress Rehearsals Including the band
2/3, 2/4
Thursday Same but not the full band(?)
Friday 12:30 and 7pm shows
If your child in not in Sets Crew with me, please direct all questions to the teacher in charge of your child's play group. If you still need to buy tickets or t-shirts please contact Michael Guelker-Cone or PR Crew. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week of Jan. 19-23, 2009 Please Come and Help us in SETS Crew

No School Monday MLK, Jr. Day

Play groups start at 12:25 until the end of the day. There will still be homework due each AM. No Spelling.

WASL Practice Week: There will be no SFA until Monday Jan 26th.

Thursday, January 22, 2009 Is an early release, BUT.. . Sets Crew is having a work day from 12:55-4:30. If you are an adult that can come and help. Please do so. If you have an electric screw gun that is charged, please bring it too.

If you have anytime to help out with Sets Crew and the Wizard of Oz this week from 12:25 pm on in the auditorium this week would be great help!!! Cast is in the Auditorium on Friday; so sets crew needs to have most of the structures in place by this Friday, Jan. 23.

All the other crews are looking for help too. PR would love for your business to buy advertisements and for your family and friends to buy tickets. Also remember to buy your lovely black t-shirts that have the students' names in the cast and crews for this years show of the Wizard of Oz These notices were sent home at different times. If you did not get them please call PR in Mr. G.'s room at Lincoln.

Have a great week. I hope to see you this week volunteering at school.

Thanks for your support.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Math Students in Action

Using Place Value to find where numbers fit onto a 10,000 grid sheet.

We worked in groups of 4 students to place our five numbers each onto the grid.

  • Setting benchmarks on the grid helped a lot.

  • Talking about there being 100 squares in each line and each section of ten lines were a thousand.

  • The whole page was broken into 10 larger sections 10 x 1,000 is 10, 000 total.

This was a really fun, challenging, and productive activity.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school.

We will be trying to finish up what we needed to finish the last few days of Dec.

I hope you enjoyed your break and the snow. I also hope that you are ready for a new year and fresh start. I look forward to seeing you.

Here's to the second part of 5th grade.

Mrs. Johnston