Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anyone Can Join Band. Transportation Provided.

These were mailed to all homes of 5th and 6th graders:
LVMS Development Band Starts Monday, Sept. 28th in the Morning. Call or email the following people for more info. Yes! I want to Sign Up For Band! My Name is:______________________________________________ My Teacher is:____________________________________________ My Instrument Choices Are: 1)___________________________________ 2)___________________________________ My Parents’ Names Are: Their Phone Number is: _____________________________ _____________­­­­­_______ _____________________________ ____________________ Please return this form to your teacher by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21! You will receive a confirmation letter for you instrument choice by Thursday, Sept. 24.Amy McFeely, Jennifer Rubio, Directors· LaVenture Middle School · 1200 North LaVenture · Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (306) 428·6116 ext. 2433 or

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