Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5th, 2009 13 students were missing today

Yes! When we started today at 9AM our class was missing 13 of the 28 students. (Meaning 15 students were in homeroom.) By lunch we were down to 13 students in Homeroom two more went home feeling ill. We were down to 11 students at 2:30pm. This was the way it was throughout the school Mr. G started the day with 14 of his 28 missing.

My math class normally has 16 students we had 7 today.

This afternoon the students and I helped each other by sorting all the papers that were handed out in homeroom and paper clipping them together. We left their work on their desks. I had a 4 pm appointment. I hoped that if parents needed the work they would ask to be let into the classroom.

Homework this week includes:
  • RAH
  • Fluency From SFA
  • Spelling 10words
  • Soc. St.
  • Sci
  • LA "Feelings About Auditions and Interviews: Final Draft.
  • Pick a poem that is at least 8 lines to memorize and say in front of class on Wed., Oct. 28th.
Log onto Homework BLOG to see the list of spelling words if you were not at school and you are able to do homework. If you are too ill, we will catch you up later.

Best wishes for healthy students and families.

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