Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Class Needs!!

We are looking for some help. Next Week we are taking the WASL. In the past there have been snacks donated for distribution in the classroom during break time between tests.
I am willing to buy the water bottle for all 28 students that will be refilled daily for the next day’s test. I am hoping this water bottle will be used again on the three day walking fieldtrips that will be planned for the following week April 22, 23, & 24. We will be walking to the local parks in the area. A permission slip and request for chaperones will go home with your child on Monday.
If you are planning a Costco or grocery run this weekend, please keep these items in mind for our class of 28 students.
Healthy choices that are easy to hand out and do not drip a lot are preferable:
· Granola Bars
· Cheese sticks
· Go-garts
· Crackers
· Pretzels
· Fruit
· Carrot sticks
· Juice boxes, Etc.
Thank you for your help. Please have your child to school on time. The following is our testing schedule:
Monday, 4/13/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/14/09 Math
Wednesday, 4/15/09 Math
Thursday, 4/16/09 Science
Friday, 4/17/09 Science
Monday, 4/20/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/21/09 WASL Make-Ups
Wednesday, 4/22/09 EARTH DAY! Walk to Edgewater Fieldtrip leave in AM return 2:40PM
Chaperones needed as well as a sack lunch/student
Thursday,4/23/09 Walk to Kiwanis 18th St. Park 12:45-2:40PM Chaperones needed
Friday, 4/24/09 Walk to Little Mountain 9-2:40 weather permitting
Sack Lunch RequiredChaperones needed

Research Needed: The students were told that if someone brought in the research of gum helping students on test they could chew it during the test if they provided it themselves and it was sugar free.
We also need ideas for the ART AUCTION. If you have artistic or crafty skills or supplies to create an art piece for the Art Auction from our class; we need you and your expertise.

If you have any questions or if you can help our class; please call 428-6135, ext. 2836.
Thank you once again. Sincerely, Mrs. Gracie Johnston

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