Thursday, February 26, 2009

Young Authors Class Poem Winners

There were 6 students that submitted poems for the Young Author's contest. The class voted anonymously and the two winners are Jaidev and Rachel. Congratulations. Their poems are as follows:

By Jaidev

The grass is brown
because it’s sick
and needs a nice big kick.
The sea is blue
because its pickin’
a fight with the night.
The sun is bright
like fire’s light
and needs a bucket of water.
The wind is chilly
because it has to chill
and needs some chill repellent . . . hot chocolate.

By Rachel
The wind whispers in my ear as it hurries by.
Sometimes it’s quick
Sometimes it’s slow
That depends if it is shy.
It Kicks up the leaves when it’s mad,
and rustles the tree’s when it’s sad
When you go out in the wind you drift away.
Reality has gone to play
Out in the wind it’s easy to say,
You love the wind, and you want it to stay.
Once again congratulations! They will be going to Skagit Valley College to the Young Authors Contest towards the end of March.

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