Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Homework for the week of Feb. 2-6

Fluency Practice from SFA teacher
Missing Work and Grades signed Returned by Tuesday (Both Graded in Responsibilities)
Math Class Finish Unit 3 in the math book
Memo due Friday about the progress of what you have done in play groups this week.
Practice test in the back of your script that everyone has. (Real Test will be on Feb.11th in the AM before the Cast and Crew Party.)
Extra Credit that can be done this week and next to bring up these grades

This is our general schedule for Feb. 2-Feb. 11th.

8:55 First Bell
9:00 Tardy Bell Attendance and homework Turn in, Announcements
9:12 Pledge and leave for SFA Reading Classes around the school
10:45 Play Groups instead of Math (Sets Crew is working on math all day while creating the Mock Set or Scale Model. We have conversions from 1 foot in the auditorium to 1 inch in our scale model. It is fun and challenging.
11:55 Sets Crew goes to lunch
12:10 Recess
12:25 Play groups
1:10 Recess
1:25 Playgroups
2:55 Dismissal

Tech Crew, Cast and Costume and Make-up have similar AM schedules but their lunch times are earlier and need a sack lunch so that they can prep for the shows.

This week's shows are:

Tues. & Wed. Earlier times Tech. and Dress Rehearsals Including the band
2/3, 2/4
Thursday Same but not the full band(?)
Friday 12:30 and 7pm shows
If your child in not in Sets Crew with me, please direct all questions to the teacher in charge of your child's play group. If you still need to buy tickets or t-shirts please contact Michael Guelker-Cone or PR Crew. Thank you.

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