Monday, March 23, 2009

Conferences/ Report Cards

Conferences are not mandatory with all students Spring Conference time. Only two days are set aside to conference with those students who need a conference. 28 conferences can not be shoved into five hours. Thank you for your understanding. If you still desire a conference and did not receive the paper work from your child, please call the school and schedule one today for Wed. or Thursday.

This week Report Cards will go home with students on Friday, March 27th if your child is not having a conference.
Early Release Days are Tuesday-Friday.
  • Tuesday is a planning period of two and a half hours.
  • Conference Days are Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26th. 1pm-3:30pm +1hour 20min. exchanged each day to make up for Friday's exchange.
  • Friday, March 27th dismissal at 12:55pm. Teachers may leave with students that day in exchange for Tuesday's or Wednesday's additional time for conferences after 3:30 pm.

Papers requesting conferences were sent out. Parents were contacted if conference was needed.

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