Monday, June 1, 2009

Grades Are Cut Off This Friday, June 5th.

All Grades are cut off this Friday, June 5th. We are getting to the end of 5th grade.
This means that:
  • All grades in all subject areas are able to change until this Friday. (Redo and turn in with "Re-done" written on the top of the assignment. Please, attach the old assignment to it if you do it on a separate page.)
  • All students may study and retake any Spelling, Math or Science test.
  • All students are expected to continue to do their work that is due this week as usual on the homework calendar.
  • All students are able to turn in extra credit this week. Ideas for extra credit have been listed on the missing work and grade sheets each week.

If there are ASSIGNMENTS STILL MISSING on Friday, June 5th :

  • Students will still be required to do ALL of the assignments
  • Students will earn no credit for them.
  • They will be held out of the fun activities until they are finished. (Talent Show, Picnic Day, Egg Drop, Recesses, Field trip to Seattle Science Museum, etc.) that we have planned for the end of the year until they have accomplished these assignments.
  • These comments have been clearly stated the past three weeks on your child's missing work and grade sheets that have been sent home each Monday with your child. Please help them finish!

The end of 5th grade and Summer is just around the corner, but even thought the weather makes it feel like Summer we are still in learning mode. Please help your child stay focused on learning.

If you have any concerns or comments, please: 1 help your child finish his or her work before Friday, and 2. feel free to call me at school, 424-4103.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. Gracie Johnston

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