Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 5 Summary

Dear Parents and Guardians:

This week we ended with "Inside Out Day". Wow! That explains this week in a nut shell. We started this week with Two Days of Mr. Sparks a full time Sub. He told stories instead of following my plans that I created for a different sub.. I was at a mandated district Grammar Training. On Wednesday we took the MAPS Reading Test. Well let' say we started to take the MAPS reading test. It took until Friday to finish for some kids due to the start and stop times that were imposed. We use the growth from the Spring to Spring Scores; so this will not count towards their progress. Many students dropped over Summer Break. This is important to note with your child. It is important to have your child read over the summer. The summer reading program at the Public Library helps me help my own children stay motivated to read.

We ended the week with a new student. He is from Arizona. He is a great addition to our class. He is very kind and willing to help. 

As a class we discussed what would help us be more successful in class. We also picked new jobs for October.

We created a new job of " Class President". The person will be elected weekly by his or her peers in a class election.  

The rules:

  1. You could only vote once
  2. You could not vote for yourself
  3. You could only be voted in one term (Term= 1 Week)
  4. You needed to recognize the class with a thank you symbol, another idea that values your own abilities and strengths, or an acceptance speech for the class.
  5. You would be in charge of "Steps" in the class if directed by the teacher. 
  6. You would be a fair President and not just chose those you like. 
  7. You would be able to ask clarifying questions of the class as a whole and to excuse kids to recess early that were listening, participating, and paying attention in class.
With all these in mind the class Democratic Vote was tallied fairly by sixth graders and myself.

The vote went to Grace. She has chosen to address her "population of citizens" with a thank you speech. May she rule well for one week.

In other news of the class:
While some kids were still MAP testing, we were graciously taught by Aiden on Friday. We learned how to use Google Docs and Google Presentation. We realize, that as a parent, you may chose not to give your child a Google account. But we wanted your children to know that if they wished to have an account and you allowed them, it is a great way to create and save documents to open elsewhere in the world on Google. Aiden showed how to create an account, his documents, and presentation tools. He has been able to use and create a mini start to a whole class document. Thank you, Aiden, for taking a large role in our Technology Education.

In even other news: 

Mrs. Johnston has misspoken Isaac's name again, and again and again...
The contest is over and Isaac won for the class. The soda or treats that were "food" products were a choice for the class due to the fact that I have really misspoke Isaac's name and called him Eli (His brother's name). He named his treat of choice "Crush Soda"  as a "What can I possibly make it up to you?" Reward.

I created a Crush Soda Trophy to Isaac due to the fact that I called him, "ELI!" too many times to count.

Public Service Announcement:
 I want you all to know that I value each and everyone of your children. I know that each individual is special for their own abilities and strengths. I believe all kids can learn!  In so saying,  I know that many of you do not wish your children to eat junk food. I have and will bring fresh fruit, veggies, and other healthy treats or non-edible treats and rewards into class. If you have anything that you have cleaned out of your bedrooms, closets, etc. for our reward box or you would like to buy items to help; please donate to the celebrations in our class. We try to do drawings weekly. There are non-edible prizes each and every time. Your child can partake as you wish. I clearly explained for them to take the soda home, if they had the soda as a choice, and not drink it until you allowed.

Once again this was a once in a life time (or Year) event that I will not repeat as a treat.

Birthdays are sometimes celebrated in the classrooms. We had one last week and this week. If you wish for your child to have a healthier treat than what is provided by the birthday family at that time, please feel free to create a snack box for your child to pull from at that time. We have had that before with students that have food allergies and wish to have a different approved choice. I hope this helps so that we can keep celebrating in our class.

Thank you.


Gracie Johnston

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