Thursday, October 11, 2012

President Grace C. Reign Has Come to an End

This past week Grace has been our Reigning Class President. She has ruled well. She was fair and just.
She proposed a debate over what the consequences to late work should be. There were many suggestions. Everyone present was given the opportunity to speak. A vote was held once  the consequences were narrowed down to the following:

Votes        Consequences
3              A Step for the person that would effect the behavior grade but no consequence in the "Star for the
                       Day" for the Class.
15           A summary written in cursive at your recess with 5 sentences about the subject in which you were
                       late. This would not include RAH and signatures.
3              Both of the above.

As you can see the second consequence was the majority vote. We will start imposing this next week. All homework is given to the students on the last day of the previous week.

Grace ended her ruling days with a new election for next week's president. Our next week's President will be Isaac and a Vice President will be Shawn. (We decided that someone could be Vice President so that if a president was ill someone would be there in his or her place. The Vice President could be elected as President in the future. The Vice President this week was not appointed by the president but was within one votes of the class president choice.) Good luck Isaac and Shawn.

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