Friday, October 26, 2012

Next Week Oct. 29-Nov. 2

Our New President is Matt Inman.
Our Vice President is Allen James.

We are looking forward to a great week with Halloween in the middle.

In Reading we are starting Unit 2.  This unit will focus on Non-fiction and Science Stories.
 We will be working on the following skills:
  • Summerization
  • Sequence
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • Main Idea and Details
  • Author's Purpose
  • Fact and Opinion
  • Analysing Text Structure
  • Description of what is observed
In Socials Studies We will continue to work on Colonial Times that leads into the Revolutionary Time Period of the United States.

In Language Arts we will be working on Persuasive writing, grammar skills, and editing.

In Math We are in Unit 5 Geometry:
  • Finding the area and perimeter of triangles and quadrilaterals.
  • Naming regular polygons.
  • Number of and locations of lines of symmetry in polygons
  • Classifying Quadrilaterals by looking at attributes including:
    • number of sides
    • length of sides
  • Use a protractor and measure angles
  • Define if an angle is acute, obtuse, or right angle

We are looking forward to a great month of November. See you at conferences.

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