Friday, September 30, 2011

This Weekend in Seattle Lego Conventions

Seattle CenterExhibition Hall
Tickets good for only Saturday: October 1st, 10am - 4pm or Sunday: October 2nd, 9am - 3pm
Tickets$9 per person$30 for family of 4 Children under 5 enter Free

Friday, September 30th Class Blogging Together

Remember the Auditions and Interviews are next Monday-Wednesday.

Jocelyn's Birthday Oct. 13th

Silverio and Miranda were Awarded for Hard Working Month Award.
Next Month we will be looking for Friendship Award.

Managers from our Classroom are:

Sets Crew Costume and Makeup
Silverio Shi'Anne

We are looking forward to a great next week.
Mrs. J and the Class

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MSP Testing is over!!! Yeah!!! on to the rest of the Tests

Our next Testing is Dibels. This is a test of three timed readings to test the fluency of your child's reading. This will be at 10:10 Monday, May 16th.

MAPS testing will be: Multiple choice tests on computers in the Computer Lab.
Reading - Friday, May 27th at 9AM. This is an early release day please make sure your student comes. Morning is the best testing time for us. Thanks.
Math Wednesday, June8th at 9AM. This is the day of the Science Fair in the PM.

The multiple measures of the Combined tests MSP, MAPS, Dibels, classroom, homework, and Effort/Attendance in class and after school homework clubs and other accommodations put in place for your child will be taken into consideration. If you child does not show growth the district mailed letters telling all parents that their child may need summer school and retention if growth is not shown. These were mailed in December before the second MAPS testing. Do to the high stakes of these tests please make sure your child gets sleep and has the opportunity to get a breakfast at home or to school on time so he or she can eat at school. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reminder!!! Mountain School is April 11-13

Arrive at 8AM with all your gear. Many notices have been sent home with your child. Day Pack must include the following:

  • A Sack Lunch

  • Water bottle

  • Pencil

  • Rain gear

  • Layers

  • Flashlight
Optional:Camera Additional items to do on the bus. Paper, cards or card games, book to read, appropriate magazines... Please do not send any items that your child is not allowed to bring to school with your child. Do not send valuables or money. They do not need to have any with them. We are not responsible for your child's lost or stolen items. All medications need to be dropped off at the office by an adult and have a doctors written or faxed definition of why your child needs this medication and the correct dosage and times. Thank you. WE look forward to learning at camp. We will return around 2pm to School on Wednesday, April 13th . Please come and pick up your child and their gear. We all will be ready to go home. Thanks.

Achieve 3000 Improvements from March 14-28th

These Six students just moved up in Achieve 3000: Lindsay, Michael, McKenzie B., Peter, Sonja, Chuy Way to show improvement! Thanks for all your hard work!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top kids of Term Two in No Missing Work were at Tie

Term 2 Peter Cole and Trygve Gard were the top students with No Missing Work for all the weeks of the term two quarter. Two Free Movie Tickets went to each of them. Kelly Kennaugh was the runner up and she won a Gift Card to Target. Way to go students. Thanks for all your hard work and diligence. Term 1 Kelly Kennaugh won the Movie tickets. We are once again watching for No Missing work and I am placing my money where my mouth is and having kids work for rewards that are out side of this school. Keep up your grades and have no missing work. It really is doable.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Can I Improve My MAPS Math Scores

There are ways to improve you MAPS Scores. Here is a link. Thank can help you if you know your MAPS Math scores in Math. These will be sent home with you in your Report Card Or given to your parents at conference. They also are found on the AIMS website. Try this out.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Crocodiles and Aligators (Last Week's Science)

It was brought to my attention that we have an expert that loves alligators. Tao's mom would love to share her blog on Alligators. It has great information included in the form of links, videos, books, and a quiz.

The Blog is Alligator Lover.
Here is the URL is:
I hope you have time to check it out. This could help you with Extra Credit in Science if you need it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Help! We need your help with the following things:

Strike the Set
Feb. 15th after the show. Bring your electric drills or just your willingness to help stack chairs and fold fabric. We need you all to help us get the auditorium back to working order for classes and testing to use.

Feb. 17th Cast and Crew Party 2-2:55 in Cafeteria.
We need the donations of chips and two liters of soda donated to Mr. G's room before that time. We need parents willing to set up the cafeteria with Mr. G and the PR Crew. email him if you can help in anyway.

Candy Sales (for Mountain School) money due to Office on March 1st.
If you still need to get the candy that you signed up for please call Veronica Glade in the office. or email

Thanks for all your help in advance.
Gracie Johnston

"Cinderella" Brought to you by I Can Fly Productions

February 11, 14, &15th
12:30 and 7PM
Come and enjoy the Show.