Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MSP Testing is over!!! Yeah!!! on to the rest of the Tests

Our next Testing is Dibels. This is a test of three timed readings to test the fluency of your child's reading. This will be at 10:10 Monday, May 16th.

MAPS testing will be: Multiple choice tests on computers in the Computer Lab.
Reading - Friday, May 27th at 9AM. This is an early release day please make sure your student comes. Morning is the best testing time for us. Thanks.
Math Wednesday, June8th at 9AM. This is the day of the Science Fair in the PM.

The multiple measures of the Combined tests MSP, MAPS, Dibels, classroom, homework, and Effort/Attendance in class and after school homework clubs and other accommodations put in place for your child will be taken into consideration. If you child does not show growth the district mailed letters telling all parents that their child may need summer school and retention if growth is not shown. These were mailed in December before the second MAPS testing. Do to the high stakes of these tests please make sure your child gets sleep and has the opportunity to get a breakfast at home or to school on time so he or she can eat at school. Thanks.

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