Monday, February 14, 2011

Help! We need your help with the following things:

Strike the Set
Feb. 15th after the show. Bring your electric drills or just your willingness to help stack chairs and fold fabric. We need you all to help us get the auditorium back to working order for classes and testing to use.

Feb. 17th Cast and Crew Party 2-2:55 in Cafeteria.
We need the donations of chips and two liters of soda donated to Mr. G's room before that time. We need parents willing to set up the cafeteria with Mr. G and the PR Crew. email him if you can help in anyway.

Candy Sales (for Mountain School) money due to Office on March 1st.
If you still need to get the candy that you signed up for please call Veronica Glade in the office. or email

Thanks for all your help in advance.
Gracie Johnston

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