Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Volunteers Needed

There was a letter sent home today about the many opportunities that you have to volunteer this year as a chaperone. Here is what the letter said if you did not get it at home tonight:

Dear Parents and Guardians:
Sept. 18 Band Concert at La Venture Middle School –We need you to walk with us to La Venture Middle School and ride a school bus back. If you are wanting a walk on Thursday, Sept 18, please join us at Lincoln. We will leave shortly after 12:25 from the classroom. We should be back to Lincoln around 2:10pm.

Every Friday The 5th and 6th grade classes are having Fitness together each Friday from 12:25-1:10. Mrs. Rupp and I are walking with a group of 5th and 6th graders to the Park. We take attendance on the playground at 12:25-12:30 and then walk down the street toward Hillcrest Park. The kids play an organized game at the park and then we walk back. It is a lot of fun and you can get a walk too. Please join us if you are available any Friday. Once again, only parents with current volunteer applications can come.

Nov. 5-7 Mountain School sponsored by NCI and our school district is a three day two night outdoor school that 5th and 6th graders from Lincoln will be attending this year. At Lincoln we do this trip on a two year rotation so your child will go in either 5th or 6th grade. This decision was made because we have so many split classes over the years we decided to rotate Social Studies and Science Curriculum on a 5th grade year and a 6th grade year cycle. This works for most students that stay at Lincoln. Overall Mountain School is a great learning experience for all. If you can come with us on these dates please check below. Only parents with current volunteer applications can come. If you do not have one currently please pick one up in the office.

Oct. 2 &3 Auditions and Interviews are happening in the 5th and 6th grades. We would love to have some parents involved in the interview rooms. The Student Managers run the interviews. We are looking for adults that can help facilitate a smooth transition between the auditorium and interview rooms. If you are looking for an opportunity to see great kids be very responsible and interview other awesome students please check the box at the bottom of the page.
Thank you,
Gracie Johnston
Yes, I am able to be a chaperone in the following activities:
Sept. 18 Band Concert at La Venture Middle School
Every Friday 2008-9 Walk to the Park
Nov. 5-7 Mountain School
Oct. 2 &3 Auditions and Interviews
Your Name___________________________________
Student Name:___________________________________
Your Daytime phone #________________________________
I have a current Volunteer Application on file: YES/NO
Comments or Questions about the above:

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