Monday, September 29, 2008

Copying Cursive From The Far Point

It is so much fun to show you our class hard at work. Here we are starting our 8 pragraph paper on "How We Feel Before, During, and After our Auditions and Interviews". This paper's Final Draft will be due Friday, Oct. 10.
Here we are copying the first "Introduction" paragraph from the far point. This is a very difficult skill for those who are not used to reading or writing in cursive. We sometimes need accommodations or helpful hints to become more successful at this skill.
Some accommodations are:
  • Moving closer with a clip board
  • Getting a photo copy when you are unable to copy fast enough.
  • Learning to hold two or more words or a phrase in your head while you write and then looking up again once those words are copied
  • Always stopping at the same point like at the end of the visual line
  • Saying the word(s) in your head until you get them to paper
  • Rereading what you write to eliminate the double starts or the missed words when your brain is working faster than your hand

All of these things are common for all students not only students with Dyslexic Tendencies.

We work through our strengths and our weaknesses. We all can improve and can learn to copy from the far point.

We are all getting better at cursive!

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