Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Start of the 2013-14 Year is off to a great start.

We have had a great start to the school year. Thank you for being so responsible and returning all of the signed papers on time. Thank you also for taking the time to fill out the survey about your child. It was heart warming to see the responses and love that each child has in the classroom.

We have organized ourselves in our notebooks and Language Arts binders. I hope your child can see that organization of materials and assignments is a big deal in fifth grade.

We have also had fun getting to know each other as well as our new principal Mr. K. He has been in our classroom and others each and every day.  He has made some great changes to Lincoln. We look forward to his leadership.

Even higher expectations have been put in place with the adoption of Common Core Standards. http://www.corestandards.org/ Some of the Math Standards that were at sixth grade have come down to fifth grade. One of those is Volume. We are working on finding the volume in Math class. We are currently using cubic measurement of solids. Making sure that your child has a solid idea of area and volume would be helpful. It is assumed that at fifth grade your child has mastered multiplication facts through 12's. I know that not all students hold onto these facts as easily as others. It is important to review the math facts with your child. Area and Volume continues this need to know your facts in order to work efficiently.

In reading we continue with Common Core ELA (English Language Arts) Goals. http://www.corestandards.org/ We are starting this year with Story Elements. We have started a unit on Taking A Stand in our reading textbooks.

An FYI: School rules include not flip flops for safety reasons. This came as a surprise to some kids. See the school website for more changes. http://lincoln.mountvernonschools.org/

I hope this finds you settling into a routine that will get comfortable soon. All homework is handed out on the Friday before the week so that students can start working on the assignments as soon as needed. They need to have discussions with your about our expectations and family activities that might need them to plan ahead and start homework earlier. This year we have an additional requirement of read and respond. This form is not finalized and we are still signing the planner for RAH. Thank you for your patience as we iron out the glitches in this written response paper. RAH is a requirement of the district of 20 minutes five nights a week. We sign on the week due dates. Read once over the weekend and sign on the Monday due date. Then read Monday night sign on Tuesday's due date. It will be checked each morning.

In fifth grade there are two additional signatures for Exercise a week that are graded in PE. Our PE is on Mondays. Please have your child write in the exercise and time on the dates that he or she has exercised at least 20 min.These signatures affect the outcome of the students grade. Mrs. Scott will put a flier explaining the policy in your child's notebook.

Thank you for lending me your child. I love this class already.

Gracie Johnston

Any questions please call
428-6135 or email

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