Thursday, June 13, 2013

Last Day Of the 2012-13 School Year is Tomorrow. Wow. Where did the year go?

Dear Parents,

I have enjoyed your children. I wish I could tell you all how each child has touched my life, taught me many things, and made my days filled with happy memories. Thank you for sharing them with me.

We have learned many things this year. Most of all we worked on being our own advocate, taking initiative, setting goals and accomplishing them, organization, and all the other academics of fifth grade. In Socials Studies we studied Colonial Times through the Revolutionary War Time Period in America. We did state reports. Reported on Biographies of Famous people in those times. We studied Inventors and inventions. We even advertised our own inventions that would fill a need or want. In Language Arts we wrote our own "Lincoln in the Dark" stories and read them to our classmates in the auditorium by flashlight. We did many Power Point Presentations: Biographies of Historical Characters PP, Biographies of Inventors, State Report PP, and Science Fair PP. In Science we were able to continue the FOSS Science Kits of Land Forms, Variables, and Environments. We were able to attend Mountain School in the North Cascades as well this Spring. It was a wonderful experience and next year's Lincoln fifth graders are signed up to go. Hopefully we can find supportive volunteers like we had this year. A huge thank you to all of you that chaperoned from our class and others. In reading we continued in the Reading Curriculum at the fifth grade level. Please encourage your child to read all summer. The dip in reading abilities severe if a child stops reading all summer. There is a summer reading form that came home in your child's folder today. In math we used the state standards and math curriculum, as well as Accelerated Math to aid us in the learning of Math this year. If your child has earned a 3 and met standard that means  that he or she proved that they know the concept with at least 3-5 pieces of evidence in each category. Accelerated Math was a way for the kids to show what they knew on an independent level and at individualized pace. A few students are still struggling with their fact knowledge or the concepts that we studied. These concepts are listed in the portfolio under Math. Please see the highlighted list of 113 objectives  in Accelerated. The objectives not mastered would be a great place to start working to review or catch up on the skills needed for a smooth transition into sixth grade. There is a great amount of on line resources to help your child maintain what was learned this year.

We also had many students participate in this year's I Can Fly Production "Rock Around the Block", band, orchestra, extra curricular activities and sports. Some also participated in the Science Fair, Art Auction, Hike to the Top of Little Mountain, Talent Show, Egg Drop, and Play Day. Whew. What a great year. I have sure  enjoyed the memorable moments with this class.

Once again thank you for your support.
Enjoy your summer.


Mrs. Gracie Johnston

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