Monday, February 25, 2013

Help-A-Thon Last Mountain School Fundraiser for this year.

Dear Parents and Guardians:

We hope the Help-A-Thon is going well in  your homes and our community.

Pledge Sheets:
We extended the due date for the Pledge Sheets to Tuesday, Feb. 26. We are asking that all kids try to get 25 cents in Pledges. After tomorrow, we will tally the pledges and see what the perspective profits will be.

Bingo Sheets:
The Bingo Sheets were designed to help all kids help around their homes and neighborhoods. Their are individual rewards to getting blackout for the kids. We have one person so far that has received the "One Week of No Homework" for her First Black Out. Way to Go Abby. I know that many more students are almost there and could have made it by this Monday. I have a Sub today; so if you made it, I will reward you on Tuesday. Keep Volunteering. Remember if you help another teacher at rainy day recess or before or after school; have that teacher write you a note include date and times, then we will color it in on our classroom chart. Every minute helps us on our way to 500 hours for our class.

The rewards for parents are that they get a really helpful child. On Friday we did a classroom "Clean Sweep" for 15 minutes. Wow! I can not remember the last time that my classroom windows were cleaned. They sparkled. Each child was on a cleaning team and we attacked every corner of the classroom. What helpful energetic children, we have in this classroom. It was amazing the encouragement they had for each other. We then did Mrs. Brown's room when they were eating lunch. Again- Great Enthusiasm. So my encouragement to you, if you have not checked out the Help-A-Thon Bingo Sheet suggestions, please do so. You will not regret it. Also if you would like an extra one for your other child or children. They are in folders on the back wall of the classroom. If we are down to the last one, please make copies. Thanks.

Thanks again to Naomi Moody for organizing this fundraiser. Stay tuned for more community events to help volunteer.

Mountain School Field trip Permission Slips went home last Monday. Please return them soon; so that they are not lost. If you need a new copy of English or Spanish we have more on the collection clipboard.

Enjoy your week with your helpful fifth grade child.

Thank you for your support.


Mrs.Gracie Johnston
5th grade teacher
Lincoln Elementary

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