Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Thoughts are with Keegan and her family today.

Please talk to your child about the sadness that has touched all of us this week. We are deeply saddened by the lose of loved ones in our class. Thank you for you understanding and sympathy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow! What A Week We Had! 3 Fieldtrips in three days.

Thank you to all the chaperones that came on the fieldtrips. We had a great time because you were with us. I would like to give a thank you to my substitute on Friday, Mr. Tolf for walking with the class as I drove to the Little Mountain due to my sprained ankle was in an air cast. Similar to the show, when planned so well "The fieldtrip" must go on.

Thank you to my co-teachers: Gretchen Rupp and Brenda Warren, who are first year teachers at Lincoln,for putting up with my hair brain ideas of fitness and Earth Day fieldtrips and continuing on with them even thought I was in a cast.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day Fieldtrip to Edge Water Park was a Success!

Happy Earth Day! We walked! We Weeded! We pruned invasive species! We cleaned up Edge Water Park with help from the Mount Vernon Parks Department. Way to go 5th and 6th graders in Mrs. Rupp's, Miss Warren's, and Mrs. Johnston's Classes. The earth is a better place because of you today. (87 students & 9 adults)We cut down invasive ivy, explored the sandbar, picked up garbage, weeded flowerbeds, played sports, and had fun.

Thank you Mount Vernon's Park Department for helping us celebrate and help the Earth.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snacks on Wednesday

Thank you to Jaidev and Amanda we had snacks on Wednesday for the last Math WASL.

We even had cupcakes in the afternoon for Austin's Birthday. Happy Birthday Austin!

Thank you to the parents that helped today!

We appreciate it.

Thank you for those who have returned your permission slips for the field trips. They are due by Friday, April 17.

Thank you once again.

Recycled Can Art Sculpture Assignment Due Friday, May 1

Recycled Can Art Sculpture:

  • Design and Art Sculpture with at least one can (Cans include: soup, coffee, pop, etc.) in it.

  • The whole can can be the sculpture decorated or you can add other cans or items with it.

  • Sculpture can be designed to be useful or decorative.
  • Sculpture can not be a weapon or shaped into something illegal.

Safety Tips:

  • For Safety reasons ask for an adults help in cutting the cans.
  • Please make sure that the items are thoroughly washed out with soap and water.

If the sculpture is larger than what the bus driver allows, please have an adult deliver it to school and be willing to bring it home after the Art Auction.

Writing Assignment Due: Friday, May 1, 2009 along with your art piece.

Once you have created your masterpiece of decorated recycled can(s) describe your art work in writing. (Cursive or Typed)

  • List materials used.
  • Title your Art Piece
  • Describe your Art Piece
  • Describe your inspiration (where you got the idea).
  • Artist's name (yours) if you had an assistant you can add their names.

Smaller items will be displayed on the table outside our classroom. Larger Items will be placed on the floor.

Be Safe and Happy Recycled Creating.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


No Snacks have come to school so far for WASL.

Water Bottles were bought by myself for all students (28).

Three people (Amanda, Alex, and Isabell) brought in the scientific research and evidence needed to support gum chewing during the test. If you would like to send sugar free gum for your child to chew during the test it is allowed. The researched showed evidence in many studies that there was an increase in short term and long term memory recall as well as lessening anxiety in testing situations. Gum is not mandatory. But it could help.

It is not too late to help out with snacks for the class. We have 28 students if you are able to help.

We also need chaperones for the upcoming fieldtrips.

Thank you.

The View from the Top Of Little Mountain is Awesome!

Come with us on Friday, April 24th

We will leave Lincoln on foot at 9AM,with our sack lunches and water bottles to enjoy the view. Please come with us so we can go. We plan on being back at Lincoln before 2:40pm. Please send students with good walking shoes and layers dressed for the weather.

Fieldtrips coming up. Walk with Us

We need chaperones on Wed, April 22 and Friday, April 24th. Please sign up to walk with us to Edge Water Park on April 22 Earth Day
Walk to Little Mountain on Friday, April 24th.

We can not do it without chaperone support.

We only have 11 permission slips back too. We need all 28 students to bring back their permission slip in order to go.

Homework this week No Spelling or LA

This week we will be having additional math practice that if no finished in class becomes homework.

As well as Soc. St. Michigan
and Science Eels

There will be no Spelling Homework or LA this week.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Class Needs!!

We are looking for some help. Next Week we are taking the WASL. In the past there have been snacks donated for distribution in the classroom during break time between tests.
I am willing to buy the water bottle for all 28 students that will be refilled daily for the next day’s test. I am hoping this water bottle will be used again on the three day walking fieldtrips that will be planned for the following week April 22, 23, & 24. We will be walking to the local parks in the area. A permission slip and request for chaperones will go home with your child on Monday.
If you are planning a Costco or grocery run this weekend, please keep these items in mind for our class of 28 students.
Healthy choices that are easy to hand out and do not drip a lot are preferable:
· Granola Bars
· Cheese sticks
· Go-garts
· Crackers
· Pretzels
· Fruit
· Carrot sticks
· Juice boxes, Etc.
Thank you for your help. Please have your child to school on time. The following is our testing schedule:
Monday, 4/13/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/14/09 Math
Wednesday, 4/15/09 Math
Thursday, 4/16/09 Science
Friday, 4/17/09 Science
Monday, 4/20/09 Reading
Tuesday, 4/21/09 WASL Make-Ups
Wednesday, 4/22/09 EARTH DAY! Walk to Edgewater Fieldtrip leave in AM return 2:40PM
Chaperones needed as well as a sack lunch/student
Thursday,4/23/09 Walk to Kiwanis 18th St. Park 12:45-2:40PM Chaperones needed
Friday, 4/24/09 Walk to Little Mountain 9-2:40 weather permitting
Sack Lunch RequiredChaperones needed

Research Needed: The students were told that if someone brought in the research of gum helping students on test they could chew it during the test if they provided it themselves and it was sugar free.
We also need ideas for the ART AUCTION. If you have artistic or crafty skills or supplies to create an art piece for the Art Auction from our class; we need you and your expertise.

If you have any questions or if you can help our class; please call 428-6135, ext. 2836.
Thank you once again. Sincerely, Mrs. Gracie Johnston

Pajama Day today April 10

Yes you can wear your PJ's today. Please remember to bring clothes for fitness today depending on your fitness class. Also remember good walking shoes if you are in the walking group. Thanks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome Back!

  • Homework Calendar will go home with the students today as well as a missing work list and grade for this Current Term 3.
  • If your child was absent last week he or she will have time to make up the missed work. I gathered all missing work and placed them in the office for your retrieval if you desired to get your child caught up over Spring Break. (Please encourage them to get caught up ASAP so that does not weigh them down.)
  • We will be sending home a WASL Snack Sign Up for the 28 students in our class. Please think of healthy choices that your family is willing to donate for the six days of testing.
  • New Reading Groups Start Today

Thank you and welcome back.

Welcome BacK!