Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mountain School Groups

Raven, Black Tail Deer, and Cougar are the three groups within our class.

The groups were not easy to create. I took your child's requests into account when I created the groups. Each child was given the list (purple paper) on Monday.

Yesterday, Oct 15th we started researching our animal groups and assigning group roles in this Group Poster Project. This will be due Friday, Oct 24th. We will share the results of the team poster on Monday, Oct 27th. Group Photos will be posted to the blog as soon as they are available.

Poster Boards are at school already. We will be reusing the recycled ones from last year's science experiments and the following years Country Reports. If you have any three fold poster boards that you would like to donate to our class, we will need them in Science in the Spring. We reuse them until they fall apart to the point that creative duct taping will not revive.

Thank you once again for your support.
Mrs. Johnston and the class

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