Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 31 No Missing Work Celebration

Celebrating the Completion of All Assignments and for a Job Well Done:

We will be watching a movie and celebrating the end of the quarter before we take off to the Great Cascade Mountain Wilderness Mountain School.

Friday, Oct. 31 we will be in need of snacks for a celebration for those who have no missing work. This is the last ditch attempt to get students caught up before the "No Missing Work or No Mountain School" kicks in.

Please help your child keep up on his or her homework so that they can enjoy the reword of a movie and treats. The movie will be linked to our Social Studies and Science curriculum but the treats are for fun. We have a parent volunteer that will be calling you to see if you would like to send a treat to school to share with our students and Miss Warren's students.

I will be keeping the students that do not have their work finished in our room while the movie will be viewed in Miss Warren's room.

At 2:55 we will end the week and the grades will be officially cut off. This is a day in which I will be leaving with the students to celebrate life with my own children.

This has been a long year so far trying to keep all 28 children in line and doing their jobs. I have put in many 12 and 14 hour days to try and keep up. Thank you to all of you parents who have supported your child with help and guidance in their educational gains. It is worth it. They are worth it. We do have many students in our class that do not have the support. If your child is friends with any of these students, please feel free to help them with their math facts, writing, reading signatures, etc. Thank you once again.

Gracie Johnston

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mountain School Groups

Raven, Black Tail Deer, and Cougar are the three groups within our class.

The groups were not easy to create. I took your child's requests into account when I created the groups. Each child was given the list (purple paper) on Monday.

Yesterday, Oct 15th we started researching our animal groups and assigning group roles in this Group Poster Project. This will be due Friday, Oct 24th. We will share the results of the team poster on Monday, Oct 27th. Group Photos will be posted to the blog as soon as they are available.

Poster Boards are at school already. We will be reusing the recycled ones from last year's science experiments and the following years Country Reports. If you have any three fold poster boards that you would like to donate to our class, we will need them in Science in the Spring. We reuse them until they fall apart to the point that creative duct taping will not revive.

Thank you once again for your support.
Mrs. Johnston and the class

Family Emergency has kept me off the Blog

If you have been checking nightly for homework or class updates. I appologize that I have not been able to keep up with this Monday through Wednesday night. I will continue to try. Thank you for your patience.
Gracie Johnston

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Progress Reports Monday, Oct. 13th

A progress report will be coming home from homeroom on Monday, 10/13/08. Please sign one and return it on Tuesday.

Extra credit and make up work will be taken until Oct 31. I will be cutting off grades at that time.

Extra Credit in the following areas:

  • Study and retake a test. This is the best way to improve you score in Spelling. It has the highest points.
  • Finish work that you did not do (Spelling Story, Alphabetization, 5X each)



  • Fix you Science Journal so that you have all the notes
  • Retake the Unit 1 test that you did not do well. (It was open note and you were told to reread the unit four days before the test. If you did this it was an easy multiple choice test.)
  • Redo the Science homework that you did not do well
  • Find a landform to do a mini report (Mountain in our state, River in our state, the Grand Canyon, etc.

Soc. St.:

  • Anything to do with the Oregon Trail or the states of Missouri, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon.
  • Check in with Miss Warren and the assignments that you are missing for Soc. St. in her class. The progress reports went home Wednesday, Oct. 8th.

LA /Writing:

  • Write a story, essay, business letter, or friendly letter to help your grade.
  • These were the style of writings that we wrote this quarter:
  • Business Letter
  • Resume'
  • Application
  • Essay of how I felt Before During and After the Auditions and Interviews for the Play (8 Paragraphs)
  • Spelling Stories (Fictional writings)
  • Animal Report will be in group form in the next week
  • Lost in the Dark at Lincoln Story will be due in final draft Form on Oct, 24th
  • Minimum of an 8 line Poem will be due to recite in front of class on Oct. 29-31

Hard work pays off!!!

A good study habit is learned and monitored by the adults in our lives.

Cookie Dough Sales and Book Orders Due

We have the Lincoln School PTA Cookie Dough Sale that is due by Friday, 10/10/08.

Also we have the November Book Order due on Friday, 10/10/08.

Thank you for supporting our school and our class reading.

See The Homework Blog to see what is due for homework.

Thank you for your support!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

RAH Due Monday 9 AM

Please read at least once over the weekend and have the Title, Minutes and signature written on the bottom of Monday's Column in the planner.

We had our first Book order returned last Friday. We all should be reading. There are books in the school's Library, classroom Library and the Mount Vernon Public Library. Find a Book and READ.

You now can order online from your home and still help get our class bonus points. We received about 20 free books at various reading levels for our class library thanks to all who ordered books last time. We have sent home two more Scholastic Book Orders. You now can order from the comfort of your own home on line. The link is attached.

You can go now and see how. Lets help our children become better readers by reading to them with them and allowing them books to read. If your child does not have a book, as stated above there are many free books available to all children at our school and in our community. Scholastic Book orders are optional.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Two High School Helpers in our Class

We are so lucky we have two Seniors from M.V.H.S. that are coming to our classroom to help. Samantha will be coming during S.F.A. and Jake will be coming during Science. It is great to have the help. Jake was a prior students of mine and has chosen to come back and help in the classroom.

These are well organized students and are driven to do well in life. It is a pleasure working with them.