Friday, December 7, 2012

Wednesday, December 12 Craft Night

Craft Night Permission Slip needs to be filled in and returned so you can stay and create Holiday Crafts out of socks.

Week 14 Thank you to Joe Bowen

Our President this week was Colby and Vice President was Owen Collins. 

Thank you to Joe Bowen (Adia's Dad) for coming and speaking to the fifth graders. We enjoyed learning about the local heritage of the Upper Skagit Tribes. We learned a lot from the stories that you told. We appreciate you. 

Thank you all the leaders, L:indsey Bowen and Mary Mae and the many volunteers that made the first play practices a success this week.

Wk 12 Week of Thanksgiving and Week 13

Wk 12 This week Abby was our President/
Colby was our Vice President.

On the Day Abby was absent, Clayton filled in as Vice President.

They continued into week 13.