Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week of Nov. 13-16

This week Adriel Martinez is President 

Clayton Cochran is Vice President

Their Message to the Class is Have A Good Week. We will do well this week as leaders. We will work hard to find the culprit that is destroying property in the boys bathroom.

  • This week we are starting Conferences on Friday. The schedule was sent home again today with each student. Please check to see that the time works for you and your child. Each student is to come to their conferences. It is the students learning and behavior being praised or needing to be changed to improve. 
  • At conferences we will be going over the student's portfolio.
  • We are starting to put grades into Term 2 so there is not missing work this week to sign. 
  • Coming Soon More info on Field trips: We are planning on going to Mountain School with the NCI North Cascade Institute. http://ncascades.org/signup/youth/mountain-school We are working on cost for the stay, transportation, and fundraising. 
I look forward to seeing you at conferences soon. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This week Nov. 5th to 9th

When my phone was stolen I also had to change all my codes which made this harder log into this week.
I figured it out.

This week Allen James is our Class President Adriel Martinez is the Vice President.

This week we:
-Finished up the Science Journal
-Took a final in Science
Maintained Homework

Thursday (Tomorrow) we will have an additional PE with Bikes from 10:30-11 AM. If you want to bring your helmets for PE tomorrow then do so. We will miss some of Reading Class and use our AM recess in PE. This will be the only time to do bikes this year. Mrs. Scott make an exception for our class to get on them. We do not have PE this Friday and next due to Early Release at 1:10 PM and Thanksgiving Break the following week.

Mrs. Strom will be coming into our class and teaching us how to sew ornaments. These felt ornaments  will be donated for the M.V. downtown Tree. She will be in class at 12:30 PM

Those of you in the Assembly please remember to tell your parents. It starts at 2:05 PM in the Auditorium. We will pack up before and use the end of the day to have a recess if there is time. If they come and watch you can go home with them.

Friday is Early Release at 1:10 to prep for conferences. If I have not heard from your parents please find out what day is better for them and I will pencil their appointment and let them know what is still available. Two notices went home with you in the last month.