Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spelling Bee April 26th

There will be a school wide Spelling Bee on April 26th. Our classroom will have two representatives and one runner up to be determined before this Friday, March 16th.

Latest News

Two Kids have Accomplished No Missing Work All Term 2
Miranda And Brandon have earned the Movie Gift Cards Term 2 Due to their ability to be organized and turn all assignments in on time. Congratulations.

Our Class Has won the Pizza Party for most Box Tops turned in 1,000 Box tops. Congratulations Class. Thank you for all that collected and delivered on time.

Train To Seattle Fieldtrip coming up soon in April. We have finally received the Dates for the Trains To Seattle Fieldtrip. Tuesday, April 24th We will only be able to take 5 chaperones. If you have a Current Volunteer Form on file and have the date free please let me know as soon as possible. First to return the Chaperone form will be our chaperones.

Long Time No Post

Hi I will try to keep up here now that my computer does not have any viruses.
Stay tuned for updates.