Thursday, September 30, 2010

Science - Steam Tables- The Study of Erosion on a Flat Plain and a Slope; Photos taken by Julian

Scholastic Book Orders Online and Login

Online Ordering Information
Web address Scholastic or www.scholastic/
Class Activation Code:
Newsletters will be sent home with more info today, Sept 30th with students. You can sign up on line, order, and then the order will be shipped to the classroom with the classroom orders. Yes, you can still order with a check made out to Scholastic and send it to class with paper orders. Classroom orders will be accepted until Friday Oct 8th.

Thank you for supporting our class and reading.

Friday, September 24, 2010

PE Guidelines and Expectations Link

Here is the link to the PE expectations and guidelines. Two signatures a week for Exercise at least 20 minutes each time. It was also given to your child in the second week of school from our PE teacher.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Farm Fieldtrip Friday, Sept 24th

  • HWC, Wk 3, LA Final draft of Cover letter, Application, and Resume' Best Cursive or typed
  • RAH 20 min./5X/wk, signatures in planner (100 total Min. Needed)
  • Dress Appropriately (boots, coat, clothes that can be worn to a farm.)
  • No Lunch needed. It is provided by the Farm Grant and local farms we are visiting.

Looking forward to having fun down on the farm. Be on time we leave between 9:00-9:10. We will return around 2pm.

Awesome Turnout for Curriculum Night! Thank you!

Wow! Thank you for the wonderful turn out this evening. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at the turn out. I hope you were able to find the answers that you were looking for by coming into the classroom. You are always welcome to drop in and help out. As I said, come in and do a surprise desk check anytime you wish. We are trying to apply the no loose papers in our desk. Thank you for your support. If you wish to view the power point again or wish to see it in a larger format. I have saved it as a google.doc and hope that it converted well. If not please be patient with me. I am trying to learn to use google docs, so that items can be seen from home as much as possible.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What a Class!

Welcome back to 2010-2011 School Year!

We have a lot of great things planned for the new school year.

This week September 20-24th:
Monday - Health Screenings (Eyes, Ears, Height, Weight, and Scoliosis Testing.)
Tuesday- Band Concert at La Venture Return Lavender permission slip to go by bus in the PM.
Thursday- Early Release 12:55 and Open House in the evening
Friday-Farm Fieldtrip 9-2pm Lunch is provided

Chaperones Needed All year: Please return the lavender form that was sent home on Friday. All chaperones and volunteers need to have a current volunteer application on file with the Mount Vernon School District. If you have one that you have turned in at another school please let the office staff know so that they can forward your information and you can attend our fieldtrips.
