Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hey! I can get to my BLOG. Here's the news in 5th grade

Current and Up coming events:

Celebration of Hot List Kids in SFA will be Friday. Congratulations to the 17 kids in our homeroom that have moved up in SFA.

Conferences have been underway this week.

Young Author's Participants from our class were Alex, Manny, Varick and Martin. They went to Young Authors at Skagit Valley College on March 24th. Way to represent the class.

Speech SFA Classes Meeting: Friday, March 26th at AM recess Mr. G. and Ms. Vaughn need the kids in their reading groups to meet in Ms. Vaughn's room for Debate partner selection and Persuasive speaking assignments for Spring Break.

Spring Break March 29-April 2
See you back at school on April 5th. My 40th Birthday.

Monday April 5th New SFA Reading Groups and Teachers.
New Expectations. Remember to look for Fluency Sheets and talk to your child about their new teachers and the expectations in their classes. Is there a book needed to read at home? Are there bookreports as homework? Is your child in the groups doing the debate or public speaking? How do those teachers communicate best? (BLOGs, newsletters, phone calls or texting?)

Wed. April 7th is our last MoNA fieldtrip to the LaConner. We need to have kids that need to eat their lunch eat at the first recess.

Wed. April 14th MoNA art lesson in the classroom 1:40-2:55. I would love to have help in the classroom this day. Anyone that can drop by and help would be appreciated.

Mountain School at Fire Mountain will be Thursday and Friday, April 22-23, 2010. Thank you to all those that have volunteered to come as chaperones. I will be calling to confirm today with you. Thanks. A few of you needed to update your volunteer info. This is a newer thing that is required in the district every two to three years. Thank you for taking the time to insure that kids are safe and have a great learning experience.

Art Auction Friday, May 7th.

Thank you for your patience in my restrictions in technology this year. Thank you for being not only your child's parent, but their advocate. You know them best, and they are taught by many teachers. I am looking forward to the next quarter with great expectations. I have reflected on the growth that the students have made and am ready to keep challenging them. Thank you for your support.

Sincerely, Gracie Johnston