Monday, November 23, 2009

Math Practice games Webpages

Here is a great website to practice any and all math at our grade level or any.

Also all skills can be improved at

Both websites are free and user friendly with learning tools and game practices. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please come after school and pick up your Cookie Dough Sale Items in the Gym today!

THANKS for Selling and Supporting our school!

Today is our fieldtrip to MoNA in La Conner, WA

We are really excited about our trip to MoNA in La Conner. We leave at 12 noon and return around 2:30.

Thank you to all the chaperones that are coming on the trip with us this time. If you wish to attend any of the events in the future, we will be happy to have you. Please let me know it you are available.

Thanks again.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

There will be no spelling this week due to the Early Release Day on Tuesday and the observation of Veteran's Day on Wednesday (No School).

We will be having a sing along Veteran's Day Assembly in the afternoon at Lincoln on Thursday, Nov. 12.

No SFA reading this week- We are having WASL and MSP Practice testing in the AM on M, T, TH, and F.

Hoping you have a great day off and you are able to Honor a Veteran.

Monday, November 2, 2009

See homework blog for spelling list this week.

  • Spelling list this week 16 words with a spelling story.(see homework blog link for a list packets will go home today.)
  • Science Unit 2 ending this week with a open note test. Reread the unit. Handout given today. This reading can count toward RAH minutes.
  • New Homework Calendar will be going home with students today. Includes homework through Dec. 2009
  • MoNA Field trip, Nov. 17th, 2009 12:00-2:30. We will be needing only 4 chaperones for the field trip on Tuesday, Nov. 17th first parents to get me the message that they want to go will be the ones that go. They do not want more parents/ group, because they have found the parents talk to each other and not pay attention to the students. I am sure we do not have parents like that, but that is the MoNA rule.
  • Permission Slips to go to MoNA field trip will be going home today. This will include all three dates for the field trips to MoNA.
  • Conference best dates will be sent home today please return them ASAP. Conferences will be 20 Minutes and are limited to these three dates: 1:00, 1:20, 1:40, 2:00, 2:20, 2:40, 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00, 4:20, 4:40, 5:00... as needed. Please be on time or your conference will be canceled or severely shortened. It is really hard to fit 28 conferences into three days. Wednesday's early release is in exchange for our late nights. Thank you for your understanding. My family needs me too.

Friday, Nov. 20 from 1:00 to 5:00

Monday, Nov.23 from 1:00 to 6:00PM

Tuesday, Nov 24th from 1:00 to 5:00PM

If you can not attend these dates, please give me a call and we can work out another time or do a phone conference as needed. Please call if on the day you can not come for some reason. A lot of preparation goes into these conferences at all grade levels. We try to work with families that have multiple children and get their conferences on the same days and close to the same times. Please call if you can not make your appointment.

Thank you.