Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Year Books and Permission Slips

Year Books are on sale for $5 this year. The price has dropped from last year.

Also we, Mrs. Fredlund's First Graders and our class, are planning a trip to Seattle Science Center on Friday, June 12. The cost to all is $2 each. Please return the permission slips ASAP; so that they are not lost, so that we know who are going, and what groups need to be created with chaperones. If you would like to be a chaperone, please indicate it on the permission slip that was sent out last week.

Thank you for your quick return on these orders forms and permission slips. The management of money and permissions in the school system if stretched out over a long period of time is extremely tedious.

Thank you for understanding and being supportive.

Wednesday, May 20 Morning Family Style Breakfast

Megan is the Principal for the day.

If everyone has there Soc. St. in on Wed. , we will celebrate Megan's Principal decree for an additional free recess. Homework was handed out early last week. We have three weeks left of homework everyone was given the opportunity to collect all homework early. Many did.

We, Miss Warren and Mrs. Johnston's Classes, are planning on having breakfast together at school on Wednesday. Sign ups were passed out last week and a news letter included the information as well. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please call the school office and sign up. (360)428-6135

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Art Auction: "Steve The Garden Robot" and "Gracie, The Garden Goddess"

Keepin' it green does not mean that the art is limited to one color. Our art for sale is created from all recycled items. As you can see they are full of color and completely student created.

Materials used:
  • Gallon milk jugs
  • Detergent containers
  • Other plastic containers (Costco Size)
  • Chicken Wire
  • Old broom sticks (Thank you Ruth)
  • Buckets from Miss Warren's mortar mix for her bird bath and stepping stones

Thank you for the color. (Gillian's family)

Hope to see you at the Art Auction on Friday, May 8, 2009 5:45-9PM.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Congratulations to Lincoln and Yaritza!

Opening Night and Weekend performances of Fiddler on the Roof went well. Way to be involved and exercise your acting abilities. Even with the long nights of practicing you both have kept up on homework. This is greatly appreciated!

If you would like to see them in action Call Skagit Valley College or go on line at

Again Congratulations to Lincoln and Yaritza!