Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mountain School Photos

The Cascade Mountains are such a beautiful place to be at Mountain School. We enjoyed one beautiful day of sun.

And then it rained and rained.

Walking in the rain on the last day.

Mountain School Thank you to all the Chaperones!!!

Thank you to all the parent chaperones that took the time to attend Mountain School this year with Miss Warren's sixth grade class and our own. I appreciate all the dedication and effort that hiking in the rain with a bunch of fifth and sixth graders. Thank you once again.

Student Lead Conferences went well!

We made it through 28 Student Lead conferences. Congratulation to all students who successfully lead their parents through their accomplishments. I appreciate all the hard work that it took to finish the portfolios and all the work the students did to get their goal sheets finished and materials organized.

Thank you once again for coming and supporting this process and your child. I am looking forward to a great Winter quarter.


Gracie Johnston

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here is the link for the fun State Games that I was mentioning.

Socials Studies Goal of Learning U.S. States and Capitols

Here is a great fun way to meet your Social Studies Goal of learning our 50 States and their capitols. Play the fun games on Sheppard Software and learn them. These come with tutorials and easy to challenging games to learn almost any facts. Have fun learning and exploring.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Student Lead Conferences

There will be Student Lead Conferences in all 5th and 6th grade classes in our building once again this year.

Your son or daughter will be running the conference. He or she will be showing you their growth through a series of reports and graded assignments. Your child will also be sharing goals for the coming quarter and year. Many goals are reached when spoken or written and then read by those who love us. Thank you for supporting this growing experience and helping hold these great students accountable for their accomplishments.

See you and your child at the conference.

Confirmation of your conference time will be going home again today, Monday, Nov. 17 with the missing work report for this new term.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Photos with 6th Grader Stream Tables

Having responsible groups helps make the experimental process enjoyable and effective.

Adding a little humor to the mix helps make science fun.

Eroding Stream Table Experiemnts- Science with the 6th graders

We have had a lot of fun learning to observe landforms as they are eroded throughout our stream table experiments.

Mountains, valleys, canyons, deltas, and many more are found in our experiments. We can see the strength a drop of water has on a dry surface of clay and sand. Imagine what it could do in a rain storm, a monsoon, or huricane.

We also have studied the sequence of events as the landforms are created and destroyed by the force of water.