Thursday, January 16, 2014

Diorama and Summary about a Significant Historical Event

Due Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014


·         Student will create a three dimensional representation of a significant historical event.

·         Students will also summarize the event. What is this titled? Who were involved? When did it take place. Where did it take place?Why was it important? How did you create your Diarama?

·         It should be in a box so that plastic wrap can cover it and so that no parts are stolen. It will be on display for the Math Night,Thursday,  Jan 30, 2014. It will go home on Friday, Jan. 31, 2014.

·         This is an individual activity that is done at home. Others may help you do this activity, but it will not be a group project between students in the class.

·         It can include toys that represent your characters or scenes in your diorama.

Online Resources:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two Days Left for Canned Food Drive.

Please help our Lincoln families have food over the winter break. Thank you if you have already donated. Canned goods are due to the classrooms by Monday, Dec. 16th. Student Council will count and sort the cans etc. Monday after school. Families should be getting them on Tuesday-Friday.

P.S. We also are trying to win the classroom contest.

Our Class won the Apple And Bulb Sale

Our Class brought in $1,400 in sales for the Apple and Bulb Sale. 

Please pick up your sales to deliver to the buyers on Thursday, Oct. 17th after school. 

Guest Speaker In Our Classroom

Today we had Nicole from Taylor Shellfish Farms come and present a power point presentation. She taught us about the different shell fish that they farm, why they farm shellfish and not use the local supply, and showed us live examples of the shell fish.
Here are two ways to link to this source please do so and learn more.  Taylor Shellfish farms or
These videos and our classes by Nicole are great opportunities to learn more about a local business, Social Studies: history, economics, current events, and Science of our local ecosystems from a real live Marine Biologist. It is an exciting way to learn and grow. Keep learning.

3D-Paper-Snowflake Link to Directions and Video

We made these in class. Here's how you make them if you wish to do them at home. Enjoy

How to Make a 3D Paper Snowflake

Edited by Flickety, Andy Zhang, Sondra C, Jack Herrick and 144 others

3D paper snowflakes look beautiful hanging in a window or on a wall. Fun for kids or adults, they are easy to make. Some like them for Christmas, but you may like them any time!

Here's a Video on how to do these.

Math words used and reviewed in class while we made our snowflakes:

  • Geometry
  • Isosceles Triangle
  • Square
  • Quadrilateral
  • Parallelogram
  • Parallel cuts
  • Polygon
  • Vertex
  • Acute angle
  • Ninety degrees
  • Diagonal folds and cuts
  • Horizontal fold

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December Newsletter Canned Goods/Socks Needed

Dec. 10, 2013
Dear Parents and Students:
We are nearing Winter Vacation and the students are learning so much. We are continuing to learn about Mount St. Helens in science, design our new invention ideas for advertisements in LA (Speaking and Writing), and learn about current events and note taking with CNN Student News. We are studying a unit on folktales and fairy tales as well as legends in reading.
We want to keep the learning going throughout the Winter Break. The students have been given IXL accounts that you can have your child working on at home on handheld devices or on computers. The students will also be working on these fifth grade skills in school. Please encourage your child to keep working in fifth grade objectives until they are passed then have your child move into sixth grade skills.
As we approach the end of 2013 we are trying to help Student Council collect canned goods for our friends at Lincoln that may need an extra source of food this vacation. Please send any of these items to school so that we can help our friends. If you are a family in need our counselor or Mrs. Glade can take your name and call you after Monday, Dec. 16th when Student Council will have the items ready to pick up.
We need clean white socks, 1 per student, before Friday, Dec. 13 for a craft project. If you have spare socks with designs that are clean, we could use them as well. If your washer eats socks like ours does; then you may have a bag of mixed up socks handy for us to use. If you would like to donate them to our class; that would be greatly appreciated.  
Thank you once again.

Mrs. Gracie Johnston

Monday, October 14, 2013

Pledge Forms are due Tomorrow Wait there is more.

This week at a glance...
  • October 14-18 No Spelling SO... Edit your "Lincoln in the Dark" personal narrative. 

  • Tuesday, Oct. 15th, Tomorrow All Pledges forms are due. These pledges will cut the cost of all fifth graders going to Mountain School. Each student is responsible for at least 10 cents/ hour in pledges and a minimum of 10  hours of community service within your home and our local community. Once again All proceeds for the Help-a-Thon go to help bring down the cost of Mountain school.Here is the link for Mountain School NCI

  • Wednesday, Oct 16th TEAM Lesson by MVPD in our classroom at 1:45PM
  • Thursday, Oct. 17th 
    • 5th grade Parent Meeting at Lincoln 6PM  concerning our students as sixth graders possibly moving to Middle School next year. 
    • Please pick up the Apples and Bulbs that you sold and deliver them. Thank you once again. Our class won the class prize and Jacob and Grace Cole were the top sellers in our school. 

  • Friday, Oct. 18th Rough Draft for Lincoln in the Dark is due. 

  • Saturday, Oct 19th 8 am -noon Lincoln Work Party with PTA and community. Earn three hours of the needed 10 community hours at school on Saturday. Please come with your parents or guardians. 

  • Thank you.